Quem conhece a página do Facebook Humans of New York, sabe que diariamente são partilhadas pequenas histórias. Algumas aquecem o coração, outras são bastantes tristes e algumas são até inspiradoras.
Não raras vezes também dão o que pensar, é o caso desta. Realmente o álcool altera as pessoas e a forma como se relacionam com os outros e desinibe comportamentos. Contudo neste caso em particular, penso que a pessoa que bebia seria aos olhos de quem testemunhou para o Humans of New York, muito mais interessante da pessoa real ou da pessoa que apareceu quando decidiu deixar de beber.
“Honestly, I liked her more when she was drinking. She was a very high-functioning alcoholic. She was spontaneous. We’d do unplanned, crazy shit like drive to the ocean and look at whales. But once she got sober, all of that went away, and ritual became very important to her. You couldn’t talk to her for an hour without hearing a mantra from AA. And she got very Catholic. She started celebrating religious holidays and going to talks. I tried to participate. I even we...nt on this trip to Spain where we followed the path of a saint. Everyone in the tour group seemed to be so inspired. We’d stop at these small churches and everyone would contemplate and pray. She was happy. She’d say things like: ‘This feels so real to me.’ But I didn’t feel it. It’s not that I felt disdain. I wanted to feel it. I just couldn’t. I knew then that our connection had been frayed. Because so much of travel is sharing an experience. And we weren’t sharing the same experience anymore.”
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